Card Reader for Vending Machines and Coffee Machines
Card readers for vending machines and coffee machines enable affordable contactless payments, increasing sales revenue and customer convenience
- Decreased operational costs
- Dažādi maksājumu veidi
- Augstākais drošības līmenis

Pieprasījums pēc bezkontakta maksājumiem pieaug

Bezkontakta maksājumu iespēju trūkums jūsu automātos ir neizmantota iespēja palielināt uzņēmuma ieņēmumus.
The usage of contactless payment options has grown to nearly 30% in the past three years as 1 in 5 consumers don’t carry around cash anymore. In some countries, over 80% of all retail transactions are now non-cash transactions. Vendon’s Contactless reader is the perfect solution to provide alternative payment methods for your customers – install a card reader for vending machines or coffee machines and see the growth of your revenue.
Card reader for vending machines and coffee machines is easy to install
Pilnīga maksājumu kontrole
Take complete control over the payments and notice a significant decrease in cost and increase in profit with Vendon’s card reader on your vending machine or coffee machine.
Powered by the most advanced IoT technology, Vendon Contactless Reader is the best vending machine card reader that allows customers to choose from multiple payment methods and pay effortlessly — an excellent way to turn an onlooker into a customer.

Kāpēc izvēlēties bezkontakta maksājumu risinājumu?
Samazinātas izmaksas un palielināts pārdošanas apjoms
Izvairieties no nevajadzīgiem apmeklējumiem un dārgiem skaidras naudas apstrādes procesiem automātos, vienlaikus palielinot pārdošanas apjomus. Pētījumi liecina, ka, norēķinoties ar karti, klienti mēdz tērēt par 37% vairāk.
Dažādi maksājumu veidi
Pielāgojieties klientu vajadzībām – dažādas maksājumu iespējas iekļauj bezkontakta debetkartes un kredītkartes, NFC mobilos maksājumus, maksājumus ar viedierīcēm un slēgta cikla maksājumu metodes.
Bezmaksas un ātri naudas pārskaitījumi
Izvēlieties, kad vēlaties saņemt naudas pārskaitījumus uz savu bankas kontu – katru dienu, reizi nedēļā vai reizi mēnesī. Nekādu papildu vai slēptu maksu.
Ērtāks maksāšanas veids
Ātrāks, tīrāks un ērtāks maksāšanas veids. Apmieriniet klientu vajadzības un vienlaikus palieliniet ieņēmumus.
Vienkāršība un pieņemama cena
Vienkārši pievienojiet un izmantojiet, lai sāktu pieņemt bezkontakta maksājumus. Pieejamā cena un vienkāršais dizains apvienojumā ar modernu Vendon lietu interneta un telemetriju padara to par lielisku alternatīvu tirgū jau esošajiem risinājumiem.
Augstākais drošības līmenis
Visa Vendon ekosistēma (maksājumi, telemetrija, trešo pušu integrācija utt.) darbojas saskaņā ar visaugstākajiem drošības standartiem. Vendon Payments atbilst PCI DSS L1 pakalpojumu sniedzēja prasībām.
Nodrošina ātrāku maksājumu apstrādi
Maksājums tiek apstiprināts, tiklīdz klients noskenē savu kredītkarti, un preces var saņemt 3 sekunžu laikā. Pat pēc kļūdaina darījuma nauda acumirklī tiek pārskaitīta atpakaļ uz klienta bankas kontu.
Powered by Vendon IOT, Telemetry & Payment Platform 24/7

Bezkontakta maksājumi ir atslēga, lai optimizētu savu kafijas un tirdzniecības biznesu
Piesakieties BEZMAKSAS demonstrācijai!
Vendon's coffee machine and vending machine card reader is an affordable and effective tool for your business. Simplicity in design, combined with advanced Vendon telemetry, makes Vendon Contactless payment solution a great alternative to existing ones on the market. Our clients receive most accurate real-time data, connectivity to any machines and a superior client support.
Vendon Contactless Reader is the best vending machine card reader and tool that allows customers to choose from multiple secure payment methods and pay effortlessly. Different payment options include contactless debit & credit cards, NFC mobile, smart device payments, and closed-loop payment methods.
Any transaction is easy to void or refund. Coffee and vending machine card reader is integrated with Vendon Cloud, allowing easy returning funds to a customer with only a few clicks.
When using Vendon's vending machine payment terminal, you can choose when to receive money transfers to your bank account – daily, weekly, or monthly. No extra or hidden fees.
Contactless Card Reader installation depends on the machine communication protocol and the existing machine setup. The Contactless Card Reader is always connected to the vBox2 device. For more in-detail instructions on how to install the Vendon Contactless Card Reader to a vending machine, refer to the installation manual.
To get more information about Vendon Contactless Card Reader prices, apply for a FREE demo and receive a personalized offer.
Vendon Contactless Card Reader accepts contactless debit and credit cards, NFC mobile payments such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, smart device transactions as well as closed-loop payment methods.
Just plug and play to start accepting contactless payments. The payment is confirmed as soon as a customer scans their card, allowing them to receive the goods within 3 seconds. Even after a faulty transaction, the money is transferred back to the customer’s bank account within the blink of an eye.