Achieve business success with a vending management system

Benefit your business with our vending management and vending machine monitoring system – control and monitor your machines from anywhere in the world.


Les entreprises de distribution qui ne possèdent pas de données précises sont exposées à une perte de chiffre d’affaires


With a vending management system, you can monitor and manage your machines remotely to save time and money on unnecessary visits. No more guessing whether machines are working properly.

Ayez le contrôle absolu de vos distributeurs automatiques pour éviter tout arrêt technique qui implique une perte de chiffre d’affaires et des clients insatisfaits.

Vending machine management and monitoring

Rapports d’arrêts

Machine downtime leads to lost sales and revenue. Vending machine monitoring is crucial for vending operators to pay attention to any technical issues and take action immediately. With our downtime reports, you can quickly identify machines that require your attention instead of waiting for a call from an unhappy customer.

Rapport sur les ventes

Set a notification timer to be notified if there hasn’t been a purchase in a certain period. It can give you a hint that your machine might need your attention — maybe there’s a technical error or maybe some products are just out of stock. With real-time vending machine monitoring, you'll stay updated on sales and machine status.

Rapport sur les dates limites de consommation

Reduce the risk of selling expired products with the Vendon vending management system. It enables you to input expiry dates for each product, identify machines nearing expiry dates, and prioritize visits accordingly in your route planning.

Rapport d’inventaire et de stock

Stay in control of your stock at all times with remote monitoring of vending machines. The inventory report informs you of the current availability of each product or components and in what quantities are stocked in your machines.

Modifications de prix à distance

With remote vending machine management solutions, effortlessly check the prices of individual products across all machines. Depending on the machine model, you can remotely adjust prices, significantly enhancing day-to-day machine management.

How Vendon's vending management system can optimize your machine performance?

Augmentez rapidement votre chiffre d’affaires
Notre plateforme d’IdO et de télémétrie vous fournit les données en temps réel les plus précises, ce qui permet de travailler avec des rapports qui sont essentiels pour la croissance de votre entreprise. Grâce à la solution de création de rapport sur les ventes de Vendon, prenez des décisions fondées sur des données pour générer des informations instantanément et prédire l’optimisation de vos performances.
Économisez du temps et des efforts sur la gestion de vos machines
Gérez à distance TOUTES vos machines à café sur une plateforme, pas besoin d’employer différents logiciels pour chaque machine ou de perdre du temps à vous déplacer pour vérifier vos machines sur site. Nous travaillions avec les plus grands fabricants de distributeurs automatiques du marché pour fournir des données spécifiques à chaque machine à nos clients.
Assurez la longévité de l’ensemble de vos machines.
Cette solution vous permet de recevoir des alertes et des notifications au moment opportun sur tout problème technique survenant sur une machine, et ce afin que vous puissiez non seulement prolonger la durée de vie de vos machines, mais également réduire les coûts des interventions d’entretien, et assurer une qualité parfaite des boissons, ce qui générera un meilleur chiffre d’affaires.
Réduction des temps d’arrêts
Grâce à un accès à des données en temps réel, vous pouvez toujours être certain que vos machines sont pleinement opérationnelles Vous recevrez des alertes au moment opportun en cas de perte de connexion au réseau électrique, de pièce coincée dans la machine, de produits manquants ou dont la DLC approche, ou bien de tout autre problème technique, afin que vous poussiez les résoudre aussi vite que possible
Fournissez le meilleur service au client
Notre solution vous fournira toutes les données nécessaires pour que vous soyez toujours proactif. N’attendez pas que vos clients se plaignent. À la place, surveillez vos machines et proposez des solutions à l’avance, en montrant à vos clients que vous êtes fiables et que vous vous souciez d’eux.
Augmentez rapidement votre chiffre d’affaires
Our IoT and Telemetry platform will provide you with the most precise real-time data, allowing you to work with reports that are vital for your business growth. With Vendon’s vending machine management system, you’ll be able to make data-based decisions to generate real-time insights and predictions to optimize your performance.
Save time and effort on your vending machine management
Vending management system allows you to manage ALL your vending machines remotely on one platform — no need to use different software for each machine or lose time traveling to check your machines on-site. We work with the biggest vending machine manufacturers in the field to provide our customers with machine-specific data.
Assurez la longévité de l’ensemble de vos machines.
Vending machine monitoring allows you to get timely alerts and notifications about any technical issue with the machine, so you can not only extend the lifetime of your machines, but also reduce maintenance visit costs, and ensure good drink quality, which leads to higher revenue.
Réduction des temps d’arrêts
With remote vending machine monitoring and real-time data on hand, you can always be sure that your machines are fully working. You’ll get timely alerts about lost connection to electricity, a stuck coin, missing or expired products, or other technical issues, so you can solve them as soon as possible.
Fournissez le meilleur service au client
Our vending management system will provide you with all the necessary data to always be proactive. Don’t wait for your customer complaints — instead, monitor your machines and offer solutions ahead of time, showing your customers that you’re reliable and care about them.

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Ready to learn more?

Frequently asked questions:

By leveraging Vendon’s remote vending machine management and telemetry solutions, operators in the vending industry can obtain real-time data on the performance of their vending machines, including sales and machine usage data. With this data, operators can analyze consumer behavior and preferences, allowing them to make informed decisions about their product offerings. In addition, Vendon’s vending management system allows tracking machine technical status and improves their efficiency and longevity with automated preventative maintenance and upkeep.

Vendon provides vending management and vending machine monitoring solutions for many types of businesses, allowing remote control and monitoring of their machine fleet. Vendon develops vending machine software and hardware, enabling access to machine technical and sales data for snack & drink vending businesses, fresh food vending machine operators, coffee vending operators, and other industry stakeholders.

Vendon's vending machine management solution is the best choice for vending machine operators who are looking to optimize their business and save significant money and time resources. If you are not using telemetry to monitor and manage your vending machines, you risk putting your business at a considerable disadvantage. Remote vending management lets you always stay up to date about your machines and resolve all problems from distance instantly. Unnecessary visits to the machines, and no information on their technical status until a dissatisfied customer calls – these are problems that can be easily avoided with Vendon telemetry.

The most convenient way to get started with Vendon's vending management solution is to contact our team directly and apply for a free demo at You can also contact any of our local distributors.

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Get valuable tips on how to grow your Vending business. FREE e-book "4 Traits of a Profitable Vending Machine"

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