Message from CEO Welcoming 2022


Happy New Year to you all. I hope you celebrated the start of 2022 in good spirits with family and friends. Now that we’re a few days into the new year, it’s good to look back and reflect on what this past year brought us.

I’m proud to say that while 2021 might have slowed the world down, it certainly didn’t stop us. 2021 turned out to be another successful year for Vendon with new and exciting product releases and improvements. We launched the long-awaited Vendon Contactless Payments solution and received lots of positive feedback both on its functionality and sleek design.

Following the industry trends and worldwide focus on sustainability, we brought out multiple updates to support your business – increase revenue and decrease costs.

To name just a few of our greener projects completed in 2021:

  • Reverse vending machine integration
  • Packaging deposit fee support
  • Expiry date management to eliminate food waste

To provide the best user experience and help our customers manage and monitor their machines, we launched a new Mobile App, and redesigned parts of the Vendon Cloud platform. Our users saw a completely revamped machine account view, a more convenient report generator, and redesigned user and planogram management screens.

I would like to thank all our valued customers, long-term partners, and new members for their continuous support and dedication – we wouldn’t be where we are now without your loyalty to keep us strong. I would also like to thank the Vendon team for their wonderful contributions towards our growth and success, and the incredible enthusiasm they have shown in ensuring that our customers and partners feel at home with us.

The reliability of the service we provide and the quality of the products we offer define us. We rose to the challenge, and we look forward to our new product releases this year to offer you more solutions for your business needs.

I wish you and your loved one’s health before everything else and all the best in the new 2022.

Yours sincerely,

Kristians Vebers, CEO


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Learn more about Vendon Contactless Payments: affordable payment solution for Vending & Coffee businesses

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Get valuable tips on how to grow your Vending or Coffee / OCS business.

FREE e-book “5 things OCS operators should be tracking”

FREE e-book “4 Traits of a Profitable Vending Machine”

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Get valuable tips on how to grow your Vending business. FREE e-book "4 Traits of a Profitable Vending Machine"

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Get valuable tips on how to grow your Vending & Coffee/OCS business with QuickPik.

FREE e-book “How adding a Loyalty Platform & Mobile Payment App can boost your Vending & Coffee business”

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Get valuable tips on how to grow your Vending business with Route Planning.

FREE Route Planning e-book “Eliminate unnecessary visits and save on travel costs with Vendon Route Planning”

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