Vendingland and Vendon – a long-lasting partnership


Based in the Netherlands, Vendingland is a vending operator which calls itself a typical family business and operates for several generations, today covering the Benelux and Northern France regions. The company carries pride in its long history of being part of the vending world and also is known for bringing value and quality with its products. It’s a company with a devoted and hard-working team that ensures great quality for a realistic price and always provides excellent service. Vendingland supplies vending machines for diverse industry segments, operating in various locations and environments. Their services include providing hot drinks, cold drinks, healthy snacks & fresh food everywhere from catering premises to medical and educational sites.

Vendon and Vendingland have been partners for more than 8 years. We sat down with Niels van Noort, CTO of Vendingland, for a chat to find out in what ways Vendon products and solutions have assisted in their growth and supported Vendingland’s overall development, and how telemetry ensures excellent service to their customers.

When asked about the main benefits of using Vendon telemetry on vending machines, the answer is quite simple – with Vendon most of the daily tasks are automated and Vendon products and solutions are doing all the job, while valuable resources of time and money can be used elsewhere.

“We use most of the [Vendon Cloud] functions, but actually we have access to the API and now most of the processes are automated, so we don’t even have to follow the process and do it ourselves”, says Niels.

Niels also mentions that Vendingland uses automatically generated routes by the Vendon route planner solution as well as automatically generated sales reports for invoicing which is very convenient. These solutions are used for monitoring the sales of machines and developing the most efficient machine refilling routes, saving significant business costs and improving customer satisfaction as the products are always in stock and adjusted to particular consumption patterns.

Another important factor is the simple and easy-to-use interface of Vendon Cloud:

“It is the main benefit as for other systems or cloud designs users find it hard to find the correct functions. With Vendon it is easy to find what you need, it is user-friendly, and the connection between different options is excellent. So it all is linked together very well and is adjusted for people who are not used to operating in cloud systems”.

The feedback of an easily understandable system interface is also received from Vendingland’s customers as they use Vendon Cloud to monitor their own machines.

Asked about the most significant impacts on the business, Niels particularly praises the planogram option in Vendon Cloud, which is a solution that enables optimization of the refilling process based on the sales performance of the machine. The well-provided analysis allows for making efficient business decisions and helps to adjust vending machines to those performance models that bring in the highest revenue. With Vendon, it is easily doable as the Vendon Cloud provides the necessary data and options.


Smart usage of resources is one of the main criteria for a successful business. With Vendon solutions, there is a significant decrease in wasting any time on unnecessary actions.

“We want to automate every repeating process and give attention to only those machines which are not fit for automatization. Besides, we want to analyze further what can be optimized for the customer and how we can analyze the efficiency of the machines and make sure we do everything most effectively”, says Niels when asked about the benefits of saving valuable time.

Vendingland is a company striving to be one step ahead. Vendon solutions allow them to take their business to the next level and develop new goals in being even more efficient and, thus, providing the best price and value ratio to their customers. Marco Seijger, CEO of Vendingland, also expressed appraisal for Vendon solutions by noting that “before we had Vendon, we were only restocking a handful of machines. Then, it was easily manageable without telemetry. However, Vendon was implemented to be more efficient for those couple of machines we had. Later, when we started growing, the telemetry solutions came in very useful.”

The user-friendly interface and easily-understandable software are the main benefits of Vendon according to Vendingland. “With complex systems it is very hard to integrate someone new at your company, meaning that running the software would depend on a few people at the company. Well, Vendon is very easy to use and you can easily assign it to anyone and they will learn it quickly.”

Vendingland has always put emphasis on premium customer service. At the start, Vendingland had a quite basic system where each machine was equipped with a phone number for customer service for reporting issues and any other matters. About 10 years ago they started to put QR codes on vending machines, where customers could scan the code and send messages with the issue report.  The company chose to use telemetry once it understood that most complaints were received about a lack of products, technical issues, or a necessity to refill the machine.

“We started to use telemetry to monitor machines from a distance to see the possible issues in advance and to double-check each of them. Before telemetry, if someone said that there is something wrong with the machine, there was no way to double-check if it is true – someone had to go to the machine on-site and see if anything is wrong with it. It is not efficient. With telemetry, it is possible to reboot the device, which in most cases resolves the simple problems, meaning that there is no need to drive to the machine location and we can settle it remotely from our office, and save a lot of time”, explains Niels. 

He also points out that not always someone will actually call, so it is important to see what happens with the machine in real-time and check technical status, as well as sales and product stock levels before the customer chooses to act. Vendingland still uses the QR code system and it works fine, however, the amount of complaints has decreased significantly as many issues are prevented thanks to telemetry.


Also, before telemetry, the route planning and machine refilling was carried out by actually visiting the machine and filling it with products, having no knowledge of what is missing and what should be carried with the maintenance crew. “When we started with Vendon, we picked on the machine level before going there. We generated orders and went to the machine with the necessary amount of products – at the end of the day there was no waste of products left as we knew exactly how many products were necessary for each machine. So, there were no excessive amounts of product returns to the warehouse and there were no extreme shortages.”

Vendingland and Vendon are bound by years of cooperation and value the long partnership as both companies have grown significantly during that time. “We are always one of the first operators who want to create big steps and usually what we see is that we think of or create a solution ourselves using API and our own programs. And then we see that Vendon has developed the same thing and integrated it into their system,” says Niels when asked about how they have found Vendon’s support useful in their business development. 

There are no limits to Vendon’s desire to grow and develop new smart solutions to support vending industry. Surely, there are partnerships that make it easier to see how well our solutions work and Vendingland is definitely one of those whose business inspires the Vendon team to reach even further.


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